And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

– Mark 8:34.

Thursday 18 July 2013

Hello everyone!
So this week has been really great for finding new potential investigators! We've found quite a few people who are willing to listen to te message. Each one seems to have many difficulties and challenges in their lives, and the Gospel really is the answer for all of them. It's so great to see the looks on their faces as they feel the Spirit speak to them as we're teachingthe message on how the Restored Gospel can help them in their individual lives. I t really does seem as though there is nothing that the Gospel cannot solve. That's something that I've really come to know, during the last two years and teaching all those thousands of people, that there really is no limit to the power of he Gospel to heal and make right the wrongs in the world. There is nothing like it. I've not met anyone with a problem that the Gospel wasn't able to help.
I love you!
Anziano Nelson.

Wednesday 3 July 2013


Hello everyone!
So last week I made my companion senior companion for a week, put him through his paces! It was nice to be able to relax and almost enjoy the ride, not having to be on top of everything and guiding all the details all the time. It was interesting, but I think the biggest thing that I've noticed that changed is that I seem to have a lot more energy now. Sometimes we get so lost in the work, trying to give our very best for as much time as possible, we kind of lose ourselves, and forget that sometimes it's much more effective to take the rest, slow down a little bit and be more energised, than it is to just give a load of hours with little energy and forcing yourself onward.  I think there is a good reason why the Lord had a day of rest too!
I love you!
Anziano Nelson.


Hello everyone!

This last week has been a whirlwind for us, it just flew by so fast! It's scary! Everyday is like a blink! I'd do almost anything to slow time down, it's flying by way too fast! Only 4 weeks to go, it's a scary thought. But still, I have some time left. I've been thinking alot about how I've used the last couple of years. How efficiently I've used my time. How well it's been put to use. It's interesting to note how hard I've worked has depended alot on my companion. How much he did, how hard he worked, how much he encouraged me. Sometimes my companion would make me work hard by being the example, other times by not giving me the opportunity to hide behind him. It made me realise just how important your companion really is, they define how well you will do in life and how you'll finish your "Mission" of life. That's why it's so important to pick carefully who your spouse will be, because they will define you for the rest of your life.

I love you!

Anziano Nelson.


Hello everyone!

So this week has been crazy with lots of things going on. We had our last Zone Conference Tuesday, both for me and for our Mission President. It was really powerful. All last week I'd been thinking about the power of the Book of Mormon and the importance in our work. I'd been thinking about basing my training on that for District Meeting next week. Guess what the Conference was all about? Book of Mormon. I was reminded of how important that little book is, and why it's so essential. It's the one thing that holds up the Church of Jesus Christ as true, without it the Church could not exist. Everything about the book is perfectly designed to fulfill it's many functions, and without the Book of Mormon we cannot have the fullness of joy that the Scriptures are designed to help us have. I love the Book of Mormon, and I have done from the very first time I received an answer that it's true, after having read and prayed about it. It has the power to change the life of anyone that opens and reads it with an open heart. It really is the keystone of truth upon the Earth. I have a request for you all. I want you to write down your testimonies of the Book of Mormon, and then email them to me at:

I need you to do it before Sunday! I would like to include the testimonies in the District Meeting next week. If you don't wish to be identified, then leave a note at the end saying so, and I'll make sure that you won't be. Thank you so much!

I love you! 

Anziano Nelson.